Your Organization's Potential Cyberattack Losses

Thank you! We really appreciate you taking a moment to complete our cybersecurity risk calculator. Based on comprehensive research from IBM, Deloitte, and Gartner, your organization faces significant financial exposure from a potential data breach.

A copy of your results has been sent to your preferred email for your records.

Cost for Stolen Records
Lost Revenue
Cost to Repair Company Image
Loss of Operations Cost
Cost of Legal Fees and Fines
This projection reflects your unique business profile, including customer base, industry regulations, and operational costs. See how we came up with these numbers.
Remember that Salesforce users upload files daily. None get scanned for viruses.

Don’t wait for a cyber-attack. Get in contact with our security experts for a solution today.

Ready to protect your cloud files from viruses?

Compromising on your cybersecurity risks your bottom line, customer trust, and reputation. EzProtect is the leading Salesforce enterprise virus scanning service for cloud services. Get in touch today to see what we can do for you.